CPA is the authorized person who establishes and develops accounting systems of businesses belonging to individuals and companies, and conducts inspections and audits based on documents in accounting, finance and financial matters. CPA also confirms that the financial statements and the declarations are in compliance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. Their speciality is accounting principles and accounting standards and that the accounts are reviewed according to the auditing standards. CPA report is written by these people.
In order to become a Certified Public Accountant, it is obligatory to be an accountant for 10 years. After the time limit has been exceeded, the accountants who pass the examination by the relevant institutions are entitled to become certified public accountants. The law granted the Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants (CPA) many powers to reduce the state’s own workload. The legislator, by relying on CPAs, has authorized them to write reports on behalf of the state, such as examination, verification and certification.
A Certified Public Accountant or the company in which CPA is shareholder cannot hold accounting book. However s/he can provide financial services to accounting units and company management. CPA reports are, in some cases, necessarily required by government agencies from private companies. In other cases, it is the reports requested by the state to reduce the number of documents. The laws mentions that the CPA reports are sufficient.
1- Profit – Loss Reporting for Companies (Especially for foreign partners)
2- Capital Reports:
3- Tax Exception Certificate Reporting
4- Corporation Tax Discount and CPA Certificate Reporting
5- Investment Discount Reporting
6- Company Merging Approval Report
7- Company Turnover Approval Report
8- Company Purchase Report
9- Special Consumption Tax Zeroed Marine Fuel Approval CPA Certificate
10- Production Approval Report
11- Analyzing Past Year Losses
Contact for more information about CPA Reporting and Certifications
Güven Certified Financial Consultancy and Financial Consultancy, which challenges all the events in the pursuit of difference and vision, also helps the business partners in all relevant documents, as well as in opportunities. You can learn all the details about the subject from our head office or branch offices.
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